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Featured Concrete Pros in Carroll County, OH
The Concrete Connection was Created by Jonathan Butler who has built the company on top of a value system. Professional craftsmanship for an affordable price. A company who creates and CONNECTS with its customers on a sub-surface level, the last concrete company you will ever need to look for or in...
Quality work with a warranty! Hardly any overhead allows us to beat others prices with a finished product comparable to, if not better than, big name companies! We are willing to go above and beyond for our customers' wants and needs.
Articles and Tips
We Tested It: Homemade Driveway Deicers
Maybe you have some slippery front steps and Grandma's on her way over, or your '78 Camaro just can't... Read More
Freeze Thaw Cycles: How They Hurt Homes
What are freeze thaw cycles? Although the northern United States is famous -- or infamous -- for extreme... Read More
Water-Based Vs Solvent-Based Concrete Dye
concretedecor.net Water-based and solvent-based are the types of concrete dye used to deepen the color... Read More
Local Carroll County, Ohio Concrete contractors
At Jubilee Restoration Inc., quality always comes first. We serve the greater Akron/Canton/Cleveland and surrounding areas with top-rate concrete work, from driveways and patios to steps and floors. W...
At Speaks Concrete we take extreme pride in our work. From start to finish every aspect of our job is to please our customers and give them the absolute best quality product. Our team has years of exp...
we are family owned company who have a great team ! we take pride in a making are customer happy also making sure services are affordable
Empire Concrete is a full service company specializing in various concrete services. Our services include stamped concrete, colored concrete, driveways, walkways, patios, sidewalks and much more. At E...
At Dart Concreations, we treat every job as if it's going into our own homes. That's why we are able to maintain high-quality work and exceptional customer service. We spend time getting to know the c...
Homeowner Experiences
The Stamped Concrete Patio I’ve Been Waiting For
Can You Trust Your Contractor? Here’s A Surefire Test