
Storage Features That Buyers Want

As an interior designer, I spend a lot of time walking around clients' homes hearing what they...

Designer's Picks: Modern Modular Wall Storage Systems

As a self-confessed packrat, I'm very impressed with how modern, minimalist homes always seem...

Organizing The House For ADHD Relief

If you or a loved one lives with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, there are ways to...

How Tupperware Stacks Up To New Food Storage Options

Between our Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts, December is peak time for leftover food. But...

Turning Bookshelves Into The Focal Point Of A Room

Bookcases are not just for books. In fact, with everything available online or on discs, we...

13 Reasons To Clean Your Closet Today

Did you do your spring cleaning this year? While many of us don’t do a formal seasonal swap...

Closet Organization: The Right Hangers

We spend a lot of money on our clothes and our clothes closets, so it makes sense that we should...

Secrets Of Wall-Mounting Book Shelves

Anyone who's helped a friend move has most likely learned a few things. The first is that they...