
14 Items You Can Now Recycle

As environmental awareness has grown, so have opportunities to recycle. Recycling is incorporated...

If It's Yellow Let It Mellow: The Great Debate

The topic of letting urine sit in the toilet until a number two comes along (known widely by...

To Flush Or Not? How To Dispose Of Makeup, Meds, & Cleaning Items

Come on, admit it. Almost all of us are guilty of disposing something down the toilet that...

Septic Tank Covers: A Comprehensive Networx Guide

Basics of Septic Tank Covers The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 25 percent...

Solar Water Heaters Earn You Tax Credits Till December 2021

Solar water heaters provide an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way to heat the water...

10 Unforgettable Toilets

You've heard the expression "toilet humor?" How about "humorous toilets?" Back in the day,...

Compost Toilets

Compost toilets can be civilized and they don't smell. As a matter of fact, a reasonably...

High Efficiency Toilets

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to purchase an ugly toilet in order to create a...