Common Problems With Tankless Water Heaters
On-demand water heaters (also known as tankless water heaters) are more efficient than standard...

Comparing Types Of Water Heaters
Alex Seleznev, a service department worker for Sandri Oil in Greenfield, MA, has some tips...

Replacing A Tub Or Shower? What To Spend On & What To Save On
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the biggest item in your bathroom remodel need not be the...

Preventing Frozen Pipes (and What To Do If Your Pipes Are Frozen)
How Cold Does it Have to Be for Pipes to Freeze? In early December, the temperature in...

If It's Yellow Let It Mellow: The Great Debate
The topic of letting urine sit in the toilet until a number two comes along (known widely by...

Drainboard Kitchen Sink: Is One Right For You?
In the days before dishwashers, homemakers fashioned their own drainboards for drying dishes...

Hand Held Shower Heads
See more hand held shower heads at showerplus.com Hand held shower heads aren't just great...

How To Maintain Your Toilet And Prevent Problems
The toilet will usually tell you when something is wrong. It will run continually or flush...
Plumbers Experiences

Clearing A Bathtub Drain Makes It Run Smoother Than Ever

Kitchen Faucet Replacement With A Unique New Feature