A Beginner's Guide To Cool Roofs
The concept of cool roofs is thrown around a lot these days. US Energy Secretary Steven Chu...
Feng Shui Your Way To Financial Health
You’ve probably heard how Feng Shui improves your life by enhancing your home. Maybe...
The Only Insecticide I Use
The plants I grow in my garden, both ornamental and edible, must not only survive but thrive...
Picking The Greenest Toilet
For years, toilets worked just fine getting rid of our waste, but until relatively recently,...
Getting The Most From Your ENERGY STAR Appliances
ENERGY STAR appliances bear one of the most recognized certifications in America. but you may...
Air Conditioning Is Not The Only Answer
Feeling comfortable in hot weather requires two things to happen together. The temperature...
The Best Building Materials To Salvage And Reuse
When homes are renovated or demolished, all too often old materials are tossed in a Dumpster...
Four Worthwhile Home Energy Retrofits
Almost every homeowner at some point asks the question, “What are the best energy improvements...