Feng Shui Your Way to Financial Health
You’ve probably heard how Feng Shui improves your life by enhancing your home. Maybe you’ve already used Feng Shui to empower yourself at the office. But did you know that Feng Shui can bring a new sense of positive energy and flow to your finances as well? When your finances are flowing smoothly, your whole life becomes easier. Why not give some of Feng Shui’s best ideas a try?
1. Create Open Space: The first step to good Feng Shui is always to clear the clutter and open up space for new opportunities. Start by discarding out-of date financial materials. For example, since you only need to keep the past seven years of tax returns, go ahead and shred any tax files dating back earlier than that.
2. Bring Balance To Your Finances: Feng Shui is about having a sense of balance and harmony in every aspect of your life. Online bill-paying is a great way to bring these qualities to your finances. When you pay your bills online you create a sense of lightness about your money by reducing so many things at once: effort, expense, and paper usage.
Online bill-paying also gets you into the flow of your finances by putting you in control of timing and account management.
3. Attend To Your Wealth Corner: In Feng Shui we use a map called the Bagua as a guide to the symbolic meaning of every part of your space. The back left-hand corner of every room is the Wealth sector, symbolizing your gratitude for the Abundance in your life.
Activate positive “Chi” energy for your finances by making sure this area of your space is absolutely clutter-free. Place an object here that symbolizes the Wealth in your life right now: this can be anything from a joyous photo of your family or recent travels to an object that makes you feel rich every time you look at it.
4. Find the Helpful People You Need: Diagonally opposite to the Wealth area is the Helpful People sector of the Bagua, in the right-hand front corner of your space. This is the area to activate when you’re looking for assistance organizing your financial life, whether you need to reduce debt or make wiser investment decisions. In either of these cases you’ll be better off with experienced help.
Activate “helpful energy” with objects symbolizing exactly the kind of help you’re seeking right now. This simple act will put the law of attraction to work: the universe recognizes a sincere request for assistance.
5. Get Physical with Your Money: Feng Shui is as much about the physical as it is about the invisible and transcendental. In the area of money, this translates to increasing your use of cash, and reducing credit card usage to the maximum possible, on a day-to-day basis.
When you actually touch your money each day, you increase your awareness of how much you are spending and bring yourself into the present moment with your finances. This is the surest way to reduce spending, not to mention having a happier experience each month when you open your credit card bills.
Feng Shui’s approach to your finances brings balance and harmony to a part of life that often feels loaded with negativity. Give these tips a try and find out how good it feels to take control with Feng Shui.
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