Crafts & Projects

No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

As autumn sets in, the nights are cooler and days are shorter, and pumpkins are waiting in...

3 Easy Homemade Fabric Softener Recipes

It is my ultimate goal to make, from scratch, any and every cleaning product that I use. And...

Easy-to-Sew Window Treatments

I’m a big fan of fabric and it’s usually the first thing I look at what starting...

How To: Make A Counter Top From An Old Door

A couple of years ago, I set out to re-do my old and outdated kitchen. Through a trade of services,...

A Dozen DIY Projects For Old Discarded Dishes

I got rid of all my old dishes on the day after I got back from my honeymoon. We’d gotten...

We Tested It: Cleaning With Peanut Butter

The fact that you can use peanut butter for purposes other than eating is one of those things...

How To Make Self-Watering Containers For Your Garden

This is a guest post by Mike Lieberman of the Urban Organic Gardener for Since...

8 Ways To Make Organic DIY Food Coloring

The 21st century world is a very unnatural time to live in. And for the most part, that’s...