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Featured Painting Pros in Tooele County, UT
My main focus is quaility over quantity. I treat each and every one of my sudtomers like family and in doing so i treat their homes as if they were mine and always make sure that the best possible options are done and made available for my customers.
Our mission is to craft bespoke living spaces, from Accessory Dwellings Units (ADUs) to full remodels, that embody luxury, precision, and innovation at every step.
If you need any landscaping or maintenance done, call us, We are licensed and insured. We have 15+ years of experience. Call us for any questions and free quotes.
We always go the extra mile to ensure our customers are completely satisfied with our work. Our goal is to generate a whole lot of joy in your home by providing excellent work and amazing customer service. We promise to be the best houseguest ever.
For 20 successful years, Friends Painting, LLC. has serviced Ogden, Utah and its surrounding areas. Since 1998, we have gained experience and practice in the painting industry. Friends Painting, LLC. is a family owned and operated business with over two decades of experience under our belts.
We as a company work hard to be the very best choice, putting the needs of our clients first. Staying as small as possible to keep our rates as affordable as possible so we can save our customers money without losing any quality in our work. We feel there is no job too small. Your happiness with ou...
Articles and Tips
Give Your House Exterior A Facelift
Is your house looking tired and shabby from the outside? Would you like to spruce it up to sell …... Read More
Enjoy Good Healthy Fun With No-VOC Paints
You've probably heard of the dangers of decorating your home with paint high in volatile organic compounds... Read More
10 Painting Don'ts
Painting is deceptively easy, meaning it’s not really as easy as it looks. Sure, any chimpanzee... Read More
Local Tooele County, Utah Painters
With over 17 years serving the community, we've built an excellent reputation for customer satisfaction. We offer same day estimates, fast, quality service, great attention to detail and on time compl...