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Featured Painting Pros in South Carolina
Paint EZ makes the house painting process as easy as possible. We provide free, detailed estimates, free color consultations, and high-quality residential house painting services including exterior, interior, and cabinet painting.
Painting company located in Charleston, South Carolina. Servicing the Lowcountry in all interior and exterior painting, drywall instillation and pressure washing needs. We offer free estimates and are fully licensed and insured in the state of South Carolina. Hablamos Espanol! Formerly The G&M Pain...
We take pride in giving our customers the reliability and professional approach to any project they may have. We try and take the stress off the customer with our step by step approach to the project with daily feedback on their project.
Articles and Tips
Paint A Room Or Two In A Weekend
Interior painting is perhaps the most satisfying of all home decorating projects. It allows you to... Read More
Do's And Don'ts To Brighten A Dark Room
Is there a room in your home that you tend to avoid? Chances are it's lacking in sufficient natural light.... Read More
The Pros And Cons Of Painting Brick Surfaces
It's all over design blogs like Young House Love, but is painting your brick surfaces really a good move?... Read More
Local South Carolina Painters
DreamCoats is based on the foundation of honesty and pride. Each house we paint, we treat as it were a home of our own I have been painting my entire life, and have grown through each experience of th...
Repaint Now is a Custom Re-Painting and Do-It-Yourself Consulting Firm which delivers first-rate customer service along with top-shelf painting products. We recently closed down operations in the newl...
Maintaining and preserving the low country's finest Homes....
Interior/Exterior paint jobs for both residential and commercial This is our bread and butter and we strive to be the best. Every painter will tell you the quality of the paint job depends entir...
Palmetto Brush is a small business with a big heart! We love doing what we do. Growing up in Charleston, SC has been a gift from God. Rivers, beaches, and history have filled us with a great appreciat...