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Featured Painting Pros in Wayne County, OH
Because I have a proven track record of being punctual and being able to provide quality
Inspired Services & Painting delivers high-quality interior painting services throughout Northeast Ohio. Whether you're in Akron, Medina, or surrounding areas, we transform your home's walls, ceilings, and cabinets with precision and care.
We have well over 35 years of experience in the wallpaper and painting business. We provide service that is reliable and focused on cleanliness, outstanding work and timely. We have the expertise you are looking for. We pride ourselves in our professionalism, accuracy and value, but above all else, ...
Quality work with a warranty! Hardly any overhead allows us to beat others prices with a finished product comparable to, if not better than, big name companies! We are willing to go above and beyond for our customers' wants and needs.
Articles and Tips
Artisan Painting
Faux stone painting Artisan painting, unlike standard wall painting, is a decorative process that... Read More
Mixed Opinions On Painting Vintage Furniture
There is a movement currently afoot to rescue vintage furniture. Old wooden dressers, vanities, chairs... Read More
Specialty Painting Techniques Add Wow To Your Walls
Why settle for boring walls when instead you can make them WOW? Today there are tons of exciting specialty... Read More
Local Wayne County, Ohio Painters
CertaPro Painters of Akron (330)896-7744 With every painting project, we're committed to providing the highest quality work and professional service in the area. Residential painting or commercial pa...
We strive for excellence in putting value back into your home. We serve the needs of each of our clients with a high level of priority, regardless of the project's scope of work, size of budget, or ti...
Behra Interior Finish has over 29 years’ experience in serving Northeast Ohio and the surrounding areas with top-quality painting services. We do residential and commercial painting, wall covering, ...
Brighter Homes and Business has been in the greater Cleveland area since 1995. We pride ourselves on being upfront with our customers and providing quality service. Known for our interior and exterior...
Professional Painting is a painting contractor that does it all! We can add the artistic finish that your home or office needs to give it that extra something special. We also offer a range of other s...
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