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Featured Painting Pros in New York County, NY
We value our customers and provide quality service. We provide professional and problem solving options to fit your budget and get the job done.
**All work guaranteed for 3 years against normal use of materials and workmanship** P and M Quality Painting has been providing high quality service with affordable prices for the last 15 years. With over 25 years of experience, we know how to bring your painting project to a close on time and on ...
Greetings, We are new to networx, but we aren't new to the remodeling business. We've been servicing the NYC area since 1985. From small paint jobs to combining multiple apartments, we've got you covered. Fully licensed and insured.
Team Of Pros (TOP): assembly of professionals throughout the real estate industry, inclusive of but not limited to architects, engineers, general contractors and master handymen. TOP were formerly and or are currently licensed within their respective fields. Meticulous process. Timely execution. Don...
We are a contractor company who does about every job you can think about.
My main focus is quality. I will never cut corners, even if it means it will be more expensive. Many of my competitors are cheaper, but I make sure you are 100% satisfied with my service.
Articles and Tips
5 Fun Painted Furniture Projects
I love the look of creative painted furniture projects. Truly crafty people can come up with outstanding... Read More
2014 Color Of The Year: Radiant Orchid
If you're a color nerd, you've been waiting for this moment all year: Pantone's reveal of the 2014 color... Read More
Give Pastels A Chance
Ugh, pastels, right? Watery, bland, utterly boring, and completely beyond redemption. No one likes pastels,... Read More
Local New York County, New York Painters
Best Painters In Town Inc, our goal is to not only help improve your dream home, but to make the process easy and enjoyable for you. We are a full-service Painting company with a wide range of experie...
JMV Finishing Touch is a full-service painting contractor that has been serving the New York area since 2005. In that time, we have earned a reputation for consistently providing the highest quality w...
We are experienced with: Painting Exterior Building - Paint or Stain - For Business Exterior Home or Structure - Paint or Stain Interior Home or Surfaces - Paint or Stain Interior Surfaces - Pain...
Cosovic (646)363-7306 We provide great services for a great price. We have many years of experience. We will get the job done right the very first time. Let us bring all of your visions to life! Give ...
Kornel Design with its marvelous staff has been proudly providing clients with the best of design/maintenance/repair and remodeling services. In other words, we make sure of complete satisfaction. Aft...