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Featured Painting Pros in Monroe County, IN
You can trust us, give us the opportunity to be part of the changes in your home or business. Castle painting is a family business, with the vision of providing a quality service, and our mission to meet the expectations of our clients. We also have comprehensive insurance that will make you feel be...
Family owned and operated we have contracted for fc tucker for 3 years over 10years painting experience
We are a local, family-owned, interior and exterior painting business. We care about every paint job, large or small. We provide the following professional painting services to Indiana for over 25 years. We specialize in •interior painting •exterior painting •house painting •residential p...
Articles and Tips
Tips For Interior Painting Preparation
Prepare properly and have all your supplies handy! A successful painting project has a lot to do... Read More
The Cheapest Painter Is Not Always The Best
That low, low bid is so tempting but beware! The cheapest painter is not always best – to put it... Read More
Good Question: Can You Paint Over Wood Paneling?
To paint or not to paint old wood paneling, that is the question. When we think of wood paneling, we... Read More
Local Monroe County, Indiana Painters
In Business Since: 2001 We're a well established business with over 11 years of unmatched expertise. Customer preference and priorities are always first. We're very timely with our work and never lose...
Homeowner Experiences
Choosing A Professional House Painter, My Way
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