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Featured Heating & Cooling Pros in Canadian County, OK
Welcome to Oklahoma Heat, Air, and Refrigeration, where expertise meets innovation. With over 15 years of hands-on experience in the industry, we are proud to introduce ourselves as a new company with a fresh perspective. We understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve. That's why we com...
Articles and Tips
Compare Thermostat Types
A new thermostat can help you use your air conditioner and furnace more efficiently and even automatically... Read More
Is Nest Right For You?
Nest is the world's first “learning” thermostat. Here's how it works: You install it just like a... Read More
Why Lowering Your Heat Could Damage Your House
There's no question that lowering your thermostat in winter is a good way to save money on your heating... Read More
Local Canadian County, Oklahoma HVAC contractors
Air Conditioning Service Inc. provides heating, ventilation and air conditioning products, installation and service. The company business comprises residential new construction, commercial new constru...
Any social service gets 10% off. (military, police, hospitals, ect.) Experts in commercial repair and installation. Install and repair all brands and models.
Here at Performance HVAC we understand how important the indoor air quality of your home is to you and your family and we're working to bring you energy-efficient products that improve your home's com...
At Master's Heating and Air, we master your heating and air needs. We provide high quality residential and commercial service, installations and replacements on heating and air systems. We want to mak...
At Executive Heating and Air, we do "whatever it takes" to get the job done with your complete customer satisfaction. Our fully uniformed staff is composed of professional HVAC technicians who are all...