Interior Painting of my New 1500-Square-Foot Dance Studio

I was running out of time before the grand opening, so I hired a pro to paint my new business

Submitted by Natalie G.

DURING Interior paint job in progress

WHAT MY NETWORX CONTRACTOR DID FOR ME: Interior painting, wood door finishing.

WHY I CHOSE HIM: Timely response, fair price, family business, good online reviews.

I’m just about to open up my new business … a dance studio. It’s all brand new construction, which I was planning to paint myself. Time got away from me, though, and we were running too close to our opening date, so I decided, “I’m going to get the pros to do it!”

This was my first time using Networx, and it was a cool experience. I had gone to Google and asked for painters near me and a couple of sites came up. I had never even heard of Networx before; I’d used another contractor referral service but I didn’t like it, so I decided to see what Networx is all about. I was happy to find that it was really easy to use and I got 3 responses from painting contractors.

Rudy Zepeda Decorating was the first to call me and his timely response was appreciated. I had already gotten 2 other quotes from painters offline, but one seemed a bit high and the other, kind of low. I was just looking for a third to gauge where they were at. Pricewise, he fell right in the middle of the 2 other quotes I’d received, which was what I was looking for. I thought his bid was very fair, I liked that it’s a family-owned business, plus they have good online reviews on Networx and a couple of additional sites.

BEFORE Painting not started yet

I picked out the color I wanted and he did all the purchasing of both paint and supplies, making it convenient for me. Then he painted the walls of the 1500-square foot dance studio and varnished the wooden doors. The whole job took about 2 ½ days. 

The crew was very personable, super friendly, and really relatable. You didn’t feel like you were doing a business transaction; it was like just getting help from a friend. That was very refreshing.

I came in a half hour a day during the job, to see the results and answer any questions they might have. The last day, they asked me to stay to do a walkthrough because that was our payment day.

I’m pretty satisfied with the results. They’re a good company and I would use them again, now that I know all the nuances of things that I have to keep an eye out for.  I’m still continuing to do touchups. Painting is hard, especially with such a big space. It’s difficult to see all the little things that people might have missed. This is my first business, too, so I’m extra picky.

My advice, before you hire a contractor, is: know the right questions to ask about your job up front, because there are little things you might not think about, such as the lighting, the baseboards, the doors, the trim. This company was really great at pointing out, “This could be a problem down the road. Do you want us to address it now?” Some contractors don’t bother with that; they just come in, do their job, and leave.

AFTER Freshly painted dance studio

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