Main Services: Full Service Contractor Specializing in Painting, Tiling & Carpentry
Description: The Finish Company is a full-service contractor offering a wide variety of services to residents and businesses in the Greater Seattle and Tacoma area. We are the one place to get all your important finishes done the right way. Whether it is installing new cabinets, interior or exterior painting, installing new tile, new stone floors or just upgrading, you can have it all done professionally by one company. Our company has enjoyed rapid growth because we show up as promised, deliver a professional high quality product every step of the way and truly care about the success of your project. Our goal is to be a solution and a partner in your project not just another piece to be managed. Thanks for learning more about us and we look forward to being a positive addition to your project.
1 Reviews
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Work Description: Painting.
Comments: In and out in a timely manner and I am happy with the quality.-
WA Tile Specialty License in WA :
WA Painting and Wall Covering Specialty in WA :