Main Services: Interior, Exterior, Cabinet Painting, Popcorn Removal, Wall Paper Removal, Caulking, Deck and FenceStaining, Power Washing, Limewashing, Brick Painting, Masonry Flat, Odor Removal, Drywall Repair and Install, Stucco Repair, Carpentry Repair and Replace
We understand that painting isn't just a project; it's an integral part of your home or business! To ensure your total satisfaction and peace of mind, your local residential painting services in South Charlotte North Carolina will always:
Run background checks on all team members
Communicate with you, so we can fully understand all your priorities and concerns
Take extra precautions when prepping and cleaning to make sure your property stays as beautiful and livable as possible
PLUS: You can rest assured your South Charlotte North Carolina T1P house painting company is 100% locally owned and operated, meaning all our services are uniquely tailored to the needs and requirements of your neighborhood residential or business community.
What sets us apart from other contractors: We are the only painter that offers payment plans and a 3 year warranty
We are best known for: We will be your best House Guest Ever!!
1 Reviews
Review MeHermitage TN
Work Description: Paint entire house
Comments: Absolutely thrilled with the interior painting job done by That 1 Painter South Charlotte! From start to finish, they were professional, meticulous, and incredibly talented. Highly recommend for anyone looking for top-notch painting services!-
SC State Contractor License in SC :
#ask contractor
Extended Warranty
Family-owned & Operated
Financing Options
Free Consultation
Free In-home Estimate
Locally-owned & Operated
Minority-owned & Operated