You can rest assured your Minneapolis, Minnesota T1P house painting company is 100% locally owned and operated, meaning all our services are uniquely tailored to the needs and requirements of your neighborhood residential or business community.
We always go the extra mile to ensure our customers are completely satisfied with our work. Our goal is to generate a whole lot of joy in your home by providing excellent work and amazing customer service.
We promise to be the best house guest you've ever had. Through thoughtfulness and attention to detail, That 1 Painter strives to be the best in your community.
1 Reviews
Review MeMinneapolis MN
Work Description: Paint home and fix and patch
Comments: The crew worked very hard and did a great jpb. A few dips here and there but somewhere they fixed everything and it looks great. Highly reommend them and they worked well together.-
MN Registered Contractor Number in MN :
Family-owned & Operated
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Locally-owned & Operated
Military Discount Available
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