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Superior Painting by Brooks

Main Services: Interior/Exterior Painting-Residential and Commercial

Description: One of the biggest complaints in the field of any kind of home improvement construction is a contractor that does NOT show up. Not only do we ALWAYS show up for our jobs, we tend to show up early for our appointments. We pride ourselves on doing clean, QUALITY work in a timely manner and at a competitive price.

I have been in the painting business since 1982 and started my own company in 2005. We specialize in residential and commercial, interior and exterior painting. At Superior Painting by Brooks, our commitment to customer service and product quality is second to none. We are a fully insured and licensed painting company with the staff and materials to complete a painting project of any size. Some of Superior Painting By Brooks' past clients have commented on the courteousness of our professional painting team and the speed and efficiency of our services. When you choose to work with us for your commercial or residential painting contract, you are making the smart choice to do business with a company that you can trust. Our past clients will tell you that they received only the best services, backed up by a long standing company name and dedication to integrity. There are many reasons that customers choose our residential and commercial services. Some of the most common reasons include:
•A professional staff with quality service as their main priority.
•Clean and friendly professional painters.
•A clear and concise warranty on all services detailing your services and the protection you receive.
•Brand name, quality paint on all projects that we handle - at no additional cost to you.
•Up to $2,000,000 in Liability Insurance.
•Involvement in our local community.
•The right tools for the job, every time.
We design our services and use products to prevent you from having to come back to us for a long time. However, when you do need further services in the future, we know that you will trust Superior Painting By Brooks. We aim to develop relationships with each of our clients and support an ever growing community. We'd love to earn your business!

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3 Reviews

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Work Description: Painting - Exteriors - For Business

Comments: I like to paint





Work Description: Painted exterior and installed and painted interior doors.

Comments: Great job on the exterior paint as well as installing and painting new interior doors. Highly recommended. It is truly Superior Painting by Brooks ... 😀





Work Description: Jeff painted the interior of our house.

Comments: I am very happy with his work.
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