Main Services: Residential and commercial, Interior and exterior painting, fence, decks, cabinets !!
Description: When the time comes to paint the interior or exterior of your home or business place, it's important to hire a company you can trust to complete the project correctly, on time and on budget. At SqFt painting of Colorado Springs, we take pride to deliver every job that meets or exceeds our customer's expectations. Our name stands alone in the professional painting industry all year round. Please, give us a call to schedule a free estimate today!!
What sets us apart from other contractors: Our 2 year warranty on labor and material since the time of completion of every job.
We are best known for: We put our customer needs first!Our professionalism starts with the first call and ends with a thorough cleanup after each project !!
1 Reviews
Review MeHuntsville TX
Work Description: Paint/Stain - Deck/Fence/Porch
Comments: too expensive-