Main Services: Cabinet Painting, Color Matching, Commercial Services, Exterior Painting, Interior Painting, Mural Painting, Cabinet Sta
Description: We at PIU Painting Services have been serving the Greater Philadelphia area with our residential and commercial painting services since 2013. As your house painter, we work on your schedule and preference to ensure quality control along with scheduling being met efficiently. We pride ourselves on all of our work meeting and exceeding your house painting project expectations before the job is complete, only once you are satisfied! Reach out to us today for an estimate on your painting project!
3 Reviews
Review MeNorwalk CT
Work Description: Music
Comments: Very niceWeymouth MA
Work Description: Painting
Comments: Very good quality and good communicationPhiladelphia PA
Work Description: very good, I hired them to do repairs and painting services, my house was very beautiful, I loved it, I highly recommend it, low price and excellent work, congratulations
Comments: very good, I hired them to do repairs and painting services, my house was very beautiful, I loved it, I highly recommend it, low price and excellent work, congratulations-
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