Main Services: Plumbing Contractor
Description: At Pelham Plumbing & Heating, we offer our customers the best service at the best price! We have trucks ready to service all boroughs within the hour! Emergency Service 24 hours a day • 7 days a week. Call us for all your emergency needs! We specialize in all facets of professional Commercial & Residential Plumbing including: Violations Corrected, Kitchens/Bathrooms, Re piping/Jobbing, Sewer & Drain Cleaning, Annual Boiler Inspections, Repairs/Installations, Hot Water Heaters, Boilers/Gas & Oil, Dishwashers & Ice Makers, Water Filters, Garbage Disposals, Whirlpool Baths, Certified in back flow prevention devices testing and installation. New York City Licensed Master Plumber Westchester County Licensed Master Plumber.
Nuisance Wildlife Control License in NY :
#NYC License 711