Main Services: Full Service Cleaning Service, Property Management, Handyman Services, Landscaping and Yard Maintenance, Carpet and Window Cleaning for Residential and Commercial Customers
With a strong reputation for thoroughness, Noabrisa Cleaning Service provides the highest quality of professional cleaning and customer service. Serving the cleaning needs of Las Vegas since 1981, Noabrisa Cleaning Service will impress you with their attention to detail and areas covered. Our dedication to quality services, coupled with professional care, ensures that your home or office will impress your family and guests from the minute they walk through your doors. Family owned and operated, Noabrisa Cleaning Service will provide personalized service to your home or office. As a full-
service cleaning company, clients are happy to refer their friends to call for their service today. Included in your cleaning are
sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting (including blinds, windows and ceiling fans), complete interior glass cleaning,
trash removal, handy man services, landscaping, yard maintenance, carpet cleaning and spot cleaning as necessary
and so much more!!! Open Monday through Saturday. Call for your free consultation today!