Main Services: Home Rennovations, Roofing Installation and repair, drywall, electrical, flooring, siding, and interior/exteriorpaintin
Description: Veteran owned business with over 40 years of experience within our ranks. We take pride in giving our customers what we would want for ourselves in every project.
What sets us apart from other contractors: We are dependable, honest, hard working people who love what they do every day.
We are best known for: Home Rennovations and Roofing
2 Reviews
Review MeYork PA
Work Description: Home improvements
Comments: Anthony took my money and didn’t complete project, tore my house up and was bringing scraps from other jobs. I know a few other people he did this to also. Very disappointed do not trust this manYork PA
Work Description: Full Bath Restoration
Comments: Anthony of Mia Mia took money without completing the project. The project started on 7/20/2020 and is currently as of 9/8/2020 incomplete. There is a 13 item punch list left where shower pan was damaged, electrical wiring and placement of receptacles are incorrect. (just to name a few). He has yet to call me to setup remediation.-
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