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Matt Sawyer Painting & Decorating

Main Services: Residential and Commercial Interior/Exterior Painting

Description: At Sawyer Painting & Decorating, we understand the value of your home and possessions, so we take the utmost care of your property. We ensure that the work place is kept clean and tidy. For your peace of mind we are bonded and fully insured. We will always go out of our way to ensure you are delighted with our work. Your satisfaction is our objective. At Sawyer Painting and Decorating, we are committed to excellence. This means outstanding quality workmanship from the preparation to the finishing coat. Attention to detail is what we pride ourselves on and what sets Sawyer Painting and Decorating apart from the rest. As expected, only the best quality materials are used, and we clean up thoroughly when we’re finished. Superior customer service begins at the time of the quote. We will turn up on time and have a written quote to you within days by email. Once the job has begun, you will experience professional, honest and reliable service. The job will proceed from start to finish without delay, as only one job is undertaken at a time.

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3 Reviews

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Work Description: To say that we were pleased with Mr. Sawyer's performance would be an understatement. Seldom have I had work done in such a professional manner. The house painting was superbly done and the area was left in excellent condition. I would be happy to recommend Mr. Sawyer and his crew to my closest friends.

Comments: John D.


Work Description: I love the rooms, they look great! Matt was very professional and flexible. I highly recommend him for his painting work!

Comments: Angela C.



Work Description: Matt Sawyer was professional in his performance and a gentleman. A pleasure to do business with him.

Comments: Marse H.
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