Services: Electrical, Generator Installer & Repair, Portable Generator Repair
Description: My main focus is is a quality install and customer satisfaction. I also want to provide exactly what the customer wants.
Service Area: Cheshire, Oakland, Walton, Halsey, Elkton, Scottsburg, Noti, Junction City, Blachly, Pleasant Hill, Lorane, Alvadore, Culp Creek, Westfir, Eugene, Yoncalla, Mapleton, Dorena, Dexter, Marcola, Cottage Grove, Monroe, Springfield, Alsea, Shedd, Creswell, Crawfordsville, Sweet Home, Corvallis, Saginaw
2 Reviews
Review MeEugene OR
Work Description: Instaled two ceiling fans
Comments: Chevy was great, personable, and very reasonably priced. I was impressed by his knowledge and problem solving skills. I plan on having him back for more electrical work.Springfield OR
Work Description: Rewiring and moving a hot tub
Comments: Chevy was very accommodating. He communicated well with me. He made sure things were the way I wanted. Thank you 😁