Main Services: Residential, Light Commercial interior painting
Painting is not a static industry. Techniques are constantly advancing and developing offering you more options and better quality results. At Joe’s Custom Paint, we will put our 20 years experience to work for you from residential to light commercial! We have great communication with our customers as we believe that this is one of the key factors in influencing a great project. We take pride in what we do and you will take pride in the results. Call us today to find out how. Your job will be done completely to your specifications and we will even give you our 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee that you will be totally satisfied with the end result.
Our expertise includes, but not limited to:
Interior painting and paint finish, Decks and Deck work Staining and Repairs, Wall repairs including, drywall repair. Our Wall paper removal service is also available. Attention first time customers: For project work $1,500.00 or more, save 10% from complete price when you mention this ad!