Main Services: Residential and Commercial Painting
J & J Superior Painting, doesn't cut corners, we paint them! We offer quality services for interior and exterior commercial and residential remodeling. Painting, Skim coating, Wall Paper, Wood Panel and Wall Paper Removal, Sheetrock, Plastering, Textured wall finishes, Staining, Shingles, Stucco, Trim, and Aluminum Refinishing, Crown moldings & Chair rails, Kitchen cabinets refinished, Tile and Caulk, Taping, Powerwashing, Water Proofing, and Carpentry. With our broad services and excellent history we're sure to leave you satisfied.
Call for your free estimate (347) 323-2961
Licensed, Insured, & Bonded..
1 Reviews
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Work Description: J & J Superior re-tiled my bathroom.
Comments: They were very reasonable, polite, cleaned up after themselves, and did outstanding work. I have recommend them to numerous family members.-