Main Services: Painting, Carpet, Laminate, Tile, Misc Repairs
When you hire Good Guy Handyman & Home Remodel you'll get the personalized one-on-one service of a trusted handyman (or woman!) along with the advanced building capabilities of a larger contractor. So, you'll get the quality and final results you're after without paying a huge price or sitting on a waiting list for months. Whether you need a small powder room renovation or a large room addition, we'll be excited to work with you. We take jobs on a first-come, first-served basis so you'll never be bumped or have your schedule pushed out when a bigger job comes along. We treat every customer with respect and treat every job equally!
At Good Guy Handyman & Home Remodel, we take pride in making our customers' lives easier. We realize that even if a job takes just 20 minutes, we've taken something off your to-do list and made your home look or function better, which is satisfying. We want you to know that no job is too small or too big. Whether we work with you for 2 afternoons a year or for 2 months straight, we sincerely value your business. So, think on it! Take a look at your home improvement list and see what we can take off your hands. Feel free to try us out with a small job or dive right into a big project!
When it comes to home repair, it's safe to say that "it's always something." Keeping up with repairs can be overwhelming, but when you leave it to pros like us you can just make a call and leave your worries behind.
1 Reviews
Review MeCibolo TX
Work Description: Roof repair.
Comments: Good Guy Handyman & Home Remodel was excellent. I would refer this company to anyone.-