Main Services: Interior /Exterior Painting, Popcorn removal, stain decks and fence, wood rote repair
I'm Robin Green owner of Five Star Painting along with my son Taylor.
With a painting project like yours before we can provide the free estimate you need to schedule a time to meet one of our salesman too understand the detail of the work needed.
You can call our call center 919 341 4943 to schedule a time that works best for you.
We have completed over 4000 painting project over the last 9 years
With over 900 reviews on Google, Thumbtack, Hauzz, Home advisor, and Angie's List with an overall 4.9 rating out of 5.0.
We can get you on the schedule within about a week from the day you decide to have us work with you on your painting project .
We can provide you with a handout and slide show that gives our customer the steps we follow on our painting projects.
What sets us apart from other contractors: We can help you breathe new life into your old look
We are best known for: Locally owned and operated by the Green Family, Five Star Quality without the Five Star Painting
Top Gun Award winner from Neighborly Home Services for the past 8 years Angie's List Super Service Award winner the past 9 years
Financing Options
Maintaining Distance
Protective Gear Used