Main Services: Interior and Exterior Repaints
When you're looking for a residential or commercial painting services, you want painters that you can trust with your time, your money, and your property. That can be a fairly daunting choice. Thankfully, Five Star Painting of Bethesda is a nationally trusted name, backed by 12 years of experience and thousands of successful painting projects. We offer free estimates with no hidden fees-- schedule yours today!
Our experts can complete jobs for any residential or light commercial property.
Our paint service includes:
* Wood, stucco, vinyl, and aluminum painting
* Repairs for plaster, drywall, and wood surfaces
* Impeccable trim work
* We even use the highest-quality paint brands, like Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore.
Five Star Painting provides the industry's highest-quality service because we hold ourselves to high standards. We aren't afraid to guarantee our work to our customers because of it. Our teams are fully insured, so our customers know they can trust our craftsmanship.
Above all, we respect our clients' time, money, and property. We always arrive on time and cleanly dressed, and our specialists abide by the budget you set. Five Star Painting does not believe in hidden fees--our pricing with you is always upfront and honest, so you know what to expect. We do all this because our mission is to capture your dreams and enhance your lifestyle by adding color to your world.
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