Main Services: Roofing, Siding, Windows, & Gutters
First Impressions Exteriors Inc. is very methodical in the way we initiate and complete repairs on your home. We are residential and commercial roofing contractors with a number of areas of expertise that includes replacement windows, siding, gutters, and ice dam/snow removal.
No matter the service you choose for us to perform, the first thing we do is do a detailed property inspection so that we can document your home's damage. This allows you to see what kind of repairs you do need to have done. It is up to you how much or how little you want done at a time. You will notice that our inspection results are very easy to read.
1 Reviews
Review MeIsanti MN
Work Description: Roofing contract
Comments: All four contractors gave me good service on my roof replacement, it's been astruggle for me to sort out an choose which of you to hire to do the job.
You all presented your bid in a way that I could easily understand. Thank
you for your presentations, advice, and for measuring my roof. I also
contacted one of my neighbors and his bid was by far the least amount of
$$$s. He has been a roofer for years, He is on his own and doesn’t have a
contractor behind him.
MN Registered Contractor Number in MN :
MN Residential Roofer License in MN :