Main Services: House painting - interior/exterior
Description: CertaPro Painters of Spartanburg is a full-service painting company, performing a full range of residential and commercial painting services. We bring a level of professionalism and customer service not commonly found in the trades.
Service Area: Boiling Springs, Wellford, Woodruff, Landrum, Lyman, Inman, Columbus, Duncan, Tryon, Gaffney, Moore, Campobello, Chesnee, Spartanburg, Roebuck
What sets us apart from other contractors: We focus on providing you with an extraordinary experience. What matters most is your complete satisfaction. Everything we do, our whole reputation, is about ensuring a successful project for you.
We are best known for: Excellent customer service throughout the entire process is our key differentiator.
2 Reviews
Review MeInman SC
Work Description: Paint/Stain - Deck/Fence/Porch
Comments: They are very helpful and very knowledgeable about their product…Spartanburg SC
Work Description: Painting - Interior - For Business
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SC State Contractor License in SC :
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