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C & L Enterprises

Main Services: Construction

Description: C&L Enterprises, LLC is based out of Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 servicing the following cities:

Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Boulder City and Henerson plus surrounding areas of Clark County.

We provide services for construction with our Class B- $250,000 bid license for Nevada.

C&L Enterprises has been in business for over 10 years and we strive to provide high quality craftsmanship along with some of the best customer service in the industry.

We provide FREE ESTIMATES!!!

No job is too small or too big!!!

Our mission is: * To perform for our customers the highest level of quality construction services at fair and market competitive prices. * To ensure the longevity of our company through repeat and referral business achieved by customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail and service-minded attitudes. * To maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in our relationships with our suppliers, subcontractors, professional associates and customers. Our mission is: * To perform for our customers the highest level of quality construction services at fair and market competitive prices. * To ensure the longevity of our company through repeat and referral business achieved by customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail and service-minded attitudes. * To maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in our relationships with our suppliers, subcontractors, professional associates and customers.

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Work Description: Remodel master bath

Comments: They did a great job. I am thrilled with the finished project. I would recommend C & L Enterprises to anyone.
We truly appreciate the opportunity in working with you and remodeling your master bathroom. We hope you enjoy your mater bathroom for years to come!!! C&L Enterprises Hyrum Pereira - GM
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