Wholesome Living

Are Green Cleaning Products Really Green?

As concern for the environment and home safety increases, consumers are demanding non-toxic...

Building Green With Concrete

Concrete is perhaps the most common construction material in the world. The US Geological...

10 Lies People Tell Themselves About Clutter

10. Lie: I'll get to it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a good day. I'll spend all morning sorting,...

Monitor Your Home Power Consumption

There is no shortage of advice for reducing electricity use, but how do you know if your...

Guide To Eliminating Cigarette Smoke Smells

The aroma of cigarette or pipe smoke will make even the loveliest home unattractive. A house...

Radon Mitigation

Why Do Radon Levels Matter? Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that is found...

Pre-Thanksgiving Check List

Many homeowners I know look forward to Thanksgiving with simultaneous excitement and apprehension....

Kerosene Odor In The House

Smelling any kind of gas odor in the house is scary. The most common cause of a kerosene...