
Designer Picks: Outdoor Rugs

One of the most exciting additions to the outdoor décor market is the wide array of...

Tumbleweed Homes: Jay Shafer Interviewed

The power behind Tumbleweed homes, Jay Shafer has been building and inhabiting tiny houses...

Designer Picks: New Year's Eve Swag

This is it — the last week of the year. The gift-giving holidays are finally behind us,...

8 Great Plants To Give As Gifts

It's the middle of December again and grocery stores and gift shops are overflowing with those...

Designer Picks: Warmest Blankets

These blankets are rated for cold temperatures. They're ready for use at home or sojourns in...

Five Fantastic Homemade Natural Beauty Products

In this eco-conscious time (and in this tough economy), everybody's trying to go green while...

12 Disposable Items To Dispose Of For Good

It may seem hard to get through a day without generating trash or even recyclable waste. The...

10 Stupid Home Trends

In the interest of acknowledging progress, it must be said that a list like this would have...