
Five Fantastic Homemade Natural Beauty Products

In this eco-conscious time (and in this tough economy), everybody's trying to go green while...

Compassionate Cleanout Company Helps Older People Downsizing

As our population ages and the Baby Boom generation reaches retirement age, issues related...

What You Need To Know About Gas Fireplaces

Fireplaces have evolved right along with the American home. Colonial houses were literally...

12 Disposable Items To Dispose Of For Good

It may seem hard to get through a day without generating trash or even recyclable waste. The...

10 Stupid Home Trends

In the interest of acknowledging progress, it must be said that a list like this would have...

30 Things In Your House That Could Explode

Surely there's nothing funny about an explosion in a home, but in a kid-science sort of way...

How Big Of An Investment Is An Outdoor Kitchen?

Like any major upgrade, an outdoor kitchen could be a simple affair that costs a couple grand...

Outdoor Living Rooms: The Art Of Defining Space In Your Back Yard

Outdoor living rooms allow homeowners to creatively expand their living and recreational areas,...