
Spotlight On Laundry Rooms

What's big in 2015 is an area of your home that is actually very, very small. Fabulous and...

Handsome Hardware Adds Unique Flair To Wood Furniture

Wooden furniture and cabinetry is both classic and classy, whether you're talking individual...

Bathtub Or Shower: What's Best For You?

Will a bathtub or shower work better in your home? The answer is simple: there is no clear-cut...

Favorable Feng Shui Gifts To Enhance Your Friends' Home

If you're looking for presents for the holiday season, host/ess gifts, or housewarming offerings,...

Murals Add An Artistic Touch To Home Decor

Are you an artist in your heart? If so, you most probably use your home as a canvas to express...

17 Things You Never Knew About Turkeys

1. Turkey is the star of Thanksgiving dinner for 88 percent of all Americans, who eat a total...

Why Brutalist Architecture Is Hated And Loved

While it may sound off-putting or even a little scary, Brutalism is actually a distinctive...

13 Awesome Advantages Of Aluminum Decks

Strong, weather resistant, lightweight, and surprisingly eco-friendly, aluminum has been widely...