DIY Small Bathroom Remodels With Big Bath Style
With today's trend toward oversized baths and luxurious home spas, being stuck with a small...
Kitchen Remodel Trends: Are They Easy To Keep Clean?
Kitchen remodel time! You've probably been waiting years for the chance to update that most-used...
Does A Kitchen Island Add Value To Your Home?
"If you want to sell your home fast, go neutral" has long been the well-founded advice of expert...
Do's And Don'ts To Brighten A Dark Room
Is there a room in your home that you tend to avoid? Chances are it's lacking in sufficient...
Remodeling Your Attic: Find Out Before You Start
So you're thinking of remodeling your attic? Great! You'll add valuable living or working space...
Install A New Kitchen With Timeless Style
A new kitchen installation will cost you about $55K for a high-end job these days and take...
Open Concept Kitchen Pros And Cons
The "open concept" kitchen trend, which began back in the 1980s, is still going strong. Decorators,...
5 Hot Basement Remodels
Basements. They can be dank, sour, horrible holes in the ground, grim utility areas, or...spacious,...