Do I Need A Plumber To Replace A Toilet?
Maybe your toilet is pea-soup-green plastic, and roughly two decades overdue for a makeover....
Save Energy: Wrap Your Plumbing
Feeling the cold this winter? So is your plumbing, and it, along with your water heater, has...
Renovate A Bathroom In 24 Hours
If you live in an older home, you may well be grinding your teeth over your bathroom. Considering...
Hiring A Handyman For Plumbing: What You Need To Know
When you hire a local handyman near you to help you with various tasks around the house and...
Care For Your Drain The Natural Way
Slow-draining plumbing fixtures are a pain in the showerhead. It always starts as a slow creep...
Factcheck: How Wasteful Are Steam Boilers?
Vintage boilers are common in older apartment buildings and homes, complete with their delightful...
10 Mind-Blowing Baths
A hot bath can be just the thing, right? Most of us have to settle for pretty basic models...
What Size Water Heater Do I Need?
When buying a water heater, getting one that's the right size is critically important. If...
Plumbers Experiences
My Remodeled Bathroom Is Modern, Clean And Beautiful
Fast Hot Water Heater Replacement ... On A Weekend!