Hail Damage And Your Homeowners Insurance
A hailstorm is quite a sight to behold. Spheres of ice suddenly start falling from the sky...
7 Cool Custom Decks
Are you thinking of building a deck this year? Here’s a little inspiration to get your...
Types Of Doors: Your Guide To Materials And Styles
Doors play an often underappreciated role in the home, whether they connect its interior...
Freeze Thaw Cycles: How They Hurt Homes
What are freeze thaw cycles? Although the northern United States is famous -- or infamous...
Icicles On Your Roof Are BAD. Here’s Why
Icicles on the roof were a highlight of my childhood winters. The neighborhood kids thought...
Home Improvement Gift Ideas
Okay. It’s time to buy a present for your better half – which should be fun,...
Fall Lawn Care: Tips And Tools To Simplify This Autumn Chore
What does the word “autumn” bring to mind? If it conjures up pictures of yourself...
Don’t Let A Small Hole In The Roof Turn Into A Big Problem
A hole in your roof can be truly bad news unless you get prompt repair. To detect any possible...