Outdoor Living

How To Keep Your Well Healthy

“Wellhead protection, whether a dug well or artesian, is a top priority in having a healthy...

Cheap Materials = Deck Failure

Decking building is one of my areas of expertise, and over the years I have re-built and built...

Built Garden Structures In The South

For me the best gardens have a sense of place. Structures and plants can provide cues to what...

Add Curb Appeal With Year Round Planters

If you’re thinking about adding curb appeal to your house, you're probably planning to...

Animal-Free Fertilizers For Your Healthy Home Garden

Did you know that many of the traditional organic fertilizers, for hobby home gardeners, for...

Designer Picks: Outdoor Barware

Relaxing with friends and family on a hot summer’s day is a time-honored tradition. Whether...

Compassionate Garden Pest Control

Pests are a part of gardening. Period. And although traditional techniques (like the ones recommended...

Getting A Late Start On A Summer Vegetable Garden

You had the best of intentions to start your first vegetable garden for the summer, but you...