Outdoor Living

Estimating Concrete Garden Terrace Cost

Living on a slope can be a pain. Not only do you have to be more careful when it comes to...

Garden Junk Is Freaking Great

As we can all agree, the more untamed a garden is, the better it is. Untamed gardens get a...

Estimating Concrete Patio Cost

The buzz is that installing a concrete patio is less expensive than building a deck. That...

We're In Love With Cool Container Gardens!

Container gardens. Awesome, right? Everyone's all about the gardening in containers these days,...

The Best Annual Flowers For Fall

Fall is one of my favorite times in the garden. The heat of summer may have dried out your...

How Tall A Fence Do You Need?

How tall a fence needs to be depends on its intended use, building code, and of course your...

Help For A Hole In A Wood Deck

Exposed to the elements as they are, wood decks tend to accumulate damage quickly, even when...

How To Fix A Garage Door Gap

A garage door gap of almost any size is an invitation to unwanted guests. Gaps along the...