Rain Chains
Want a decorative alternative to downspouts? Try an elegant Japanese rain chain! Whether...

How To Build A Retaining Wall On A Slope
Whether to prevent erosion or create a lovely terrace, building a retaining wall on the slope...

Prepare Your Perennials For Autumn
As autumn arrives, gardening fans will have to do some prep work to protect perennial plants....

Building A Chicken Coop
Building a backyard chicken coop is one of the best investments you'll ever make. Not only...

Drip Tape Irrigation
Drip tape can replace sprinklers and spray nozzles for watering vegetables, flower gardens,...

Ornamental Grasses
Ornamental Grasses You have probably thought of replacing a patch of grass with some flowers....

Continuous Bloom - 4 Season Color For Your Yard
Many gardeners intersperse flowering plants to create...

Alternatives To Grass
Alternatives to Grass A neighborhood full of Kentucky Blue grass lawns is also a neighborhood...