Lighting Tips For Your Home
Want a fast, affordable way to update your home’s interior style? Install new lighting!...

DIY Interior Design: 12 Tips
For some folks, it’s a dream … a house where “move-in-ready” means...

Types Of Doors: Your Guide To Materials And Styles
Doors play an often underappreciated role in the home, whether they connect its interior...

Install A Fireclay Kitchen Sink? Find Out The Inside Info
Are you looking to install a new kitchen sink? Fireclay sinks are uber popular in today’s...

Small Home Storage Hacks: What Works, What Not So Much
Ha! Ha! Sorry, folks, but I just had to laugh when I read about someone lamenting his &l...

Create A Master Bedroom Retreat With 8 Simple Tweaks
Sometimes I feel a little sorry for master bedrooms. They get lost in the shuffle, what with...

Exposed Brick Wall Indoors? Lovely, But A Lot Of Work
Q: How is creating an exposed brick wall inside your home like adopting a puppy? A: Both...

Organize Your Home With Simple Storage Dos And Don’ts
No matter how small or large a home you happen to live in, chances are you would love to increase...