How To Get Your Fireplace Ready For Winter
"Chim chim-i-ney, chim chim-i-ney …" If you loved Walt Disney's Mary Poppins as a child,...

Winter Fan Rotation: More Heat For Less Money
Ceiling fans are a great invention. First developed in the 1860s, these fans get the air moving...

The Best Way To Store Your Books
Despite the current popularity of Kindles and other e-readers, there is still nothing quite...

Gray Home Decor -- Love It Or Hate It?
Gray's role in home décor is changing. Variations on this color have long been popular...

9 Thrifty Storage Do’s And Don’ts
It seems like everybody’s busy talking about organizing their home, but hardly anyone...

Why Roto-Rooter Is A Household Word For Drain Cleaning
Roto-Rooter has become so synonymous with sewer and drain cleaning in the minds – and...

Organize A Greener Closet Today
Organizing is the “in” thing as we all try to make our lives greener and simpler....

Watch Out For Undetected Water Leaks
Sometimes it’s impossible to ignore the fact that you have a water leak in your home’s...