Maintenance & Tools

Making Stairs And Railings Child-Safe

I just returned from a vacation house where my one-year-old was far more infatuated with the...

Hardware Store Etiquette

Something about hardware stores causes us to change our behavior. Perhaps it’s the lack...

Weatherizing For Less Than $150

Weatherizing your house improves the likelihood of maintaining a steady temperature inside...

How Humidity Can Damage Your Home

Humidity doesn’t just make you uncomfortable. It also causes problems and health hazards...

Your Sidewalk And Your Home Insurance

Repairing sidewalk cracks and clearing snow and ice from your sidewalk isn’t just neighborly....

Cleaning: Do You Know Your Vacuum Cleaner Attachments?

Most vacuum cleaner attachments spend more time collecting dust than removing it. And that's...

Painting: Choosing A Paint Scraper

When it comes to a good paint job, nothing will improve the quality of the finished product...

Keeping Spring Allergens Out Of The House

Spring can be a season of nightmares for the estimated 50 million American allergy sufferers....