Going Green

Stay At The Tiny House Hotel!

Interested in staying somewhere a little unique the next time you travel to Portland, Oregon?...

More News About Bee Deaths, And It's Not Good

Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has been a looming issue in the news for years as bees die off...

10 Tips For Helping The Ocean At Home

Love the ocean? I totally do, and it's not just because I'm biased by living right next to...

Bathroom Cleaning Ideas Without Air Contaminants

Bathrooms are dirty places. Pee, poop, mildew, mold, and plenty of moisture -- it makes total...

Clean Energy Options For Houses

Many homeowners who want clean, green energy will buy and install solar panels. However, a...

New Solar Technology Makes Outdoor Lighting A Cinch

There are several different types of residential solar lights available today which are replacing...

Tips For Better Green Cleaning

Green cleaning is so popular. Every blogger is posting their "totally ah-may-zinggg" homemade...

Is Borax Really As Green As It Seems?

The Internet is rife with homemade “green” cleaning recipes that seek to minimize...