Going Green

Why You Don't Need Solar Panels

When people learn that I am a green building consultant, almost without exception, they ask...

Busting 3 Green Insulation Myths

There is no free insulation lunch. Super-magic foil insulation won’t do what salespeople...

Tumbleweed Homes: Jay Shafer Interviewed

The power behind Tumbleweed homes, Jay Shafer has been building and inhabiting tiny houses...

Nine Tried-And-True Green Decorating Tips

They say that “green” is the new black, and isn’t it great when social responsibility...

Clearing Your Home's Energy For The New Year

At New Year’s time it’s natural to think about what’s transpired in the year just passed...

A Horticulturist On Caring For A Live Christmas Tree

In the United States, the tradition of decorating fresh cut or live trees inside the house...

Live Christmas Trees: An Eco-Friendly Alternative

It’s a cherished Christmas tradition — a freshly chopped tree in the living room...

How I Keep A Green, Vegan Kitchen

Do you know which animal-derived, eco-unfriendly ingredients might be sneaking around in your...