Going Green

Ecological Laundry Stain Treatments

Many years ago, I set about giving my home a complete “green makeover”, and homemade laundry...

Passive Solar For Beginners

One of the benefits of living in the Wild West is our abundant sunshine. An advantage for home...

12 Ways To Up-cycle Plastic Bags

The scourge of landfills and the enemy of environmentalists, plastic bags have been much...

San Francisco's Greenest Buildings

San Franciscans can already lay claim to living in the greenest city in the country, at least...

Cash In Your Trash

There’s a treasure in your trash can. Before you haul your next can to the curb, take...

Why You Don't Need Solar Panels

When people learn that I am a green building consultant, almost without exception, they ask...

Busting 3 Green Insulation Myths

There is no free insulation lunch. Super-magic foil insulation won’t do what salespeople...

Tumbleweed Homes: Jay Shafer Interviewed

The power behind Tumbleweed homes, Jay Shafer has been building and inhabiting tiny houses...