Head To Tiny House Boot Camp!
My obsession with tiny houses knows no bounds, and I'm particularly in love with upcycled projects...

Heat Up The House With Compost
When compost breaks down, one byproduct is a lot of heat ... so much heat that you can actually...

Who's The Greenest Floor Of All?
Ah, those things we put our feet (or wheels) on. Floors do a whole lot for us without asking...

An Introduction To Tea Gardens
Do you love tea? This beverage, originating in Asia, has been consumed for centuries, and thanks...

Is Geothermal Right For You?
Geothermal energy is pretty amazing: by circulating water through a series of pipes under your...

10 Tips To Go Green In The Laundry Room
The EPA estimates that if Americans went green in the laundry room, they'd save three trillion...

Resolution Central: Greening The Bathroom
Did you make a resolution this year to keep up with housework? We commend you, but we also...

Water-Saving Tips For Drought Times
I grew up in a house that relied solely on a 1,000 gallon tank of rainwater for our water supply....
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Seamless Extension Of Concrete Patio And Poolside Retaining Wall